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3 Fun Spring Preschool Crafts & Treats

Ahh..spring! It’s almost here and if you are having the winter doldrums from all the snow and cold weather, you aren’t alone! To get us in the mood, the awesome teachers at our 5-star preschools in Durham, Chapel Hill, and Greenville have chosen 3 preschool craft and treat ideas that you can do at home to celebrate Easter and welcome Spring with your little bunnies!

Goldfish Carrots
Durham Preschool TreatThis yummy craft is so adorable! Your child will love making and devouring it!

What You Need:

Clear cellophane bags
Green rick rack paper

What To Do:

  1. Fill the bag with goldfish
  2. Tie the green rick rack trim to the top of the bag

Voila! All done! It’s that simple—really.

Push Pop Bunnies
Your little ones will be so “hoppy” with these push pop bunny treats!

What You Chapel Hill Preschool TreatNeed:

Push pop ice cream containers
Small candies – M&Ms, Skittles, candy eggs
Googly eyes
Construction paper – pink & white
Pom pom

What To Do:

  1. On the pink construction paper, draw bunny ears about one inch long & cut them out.
  2. On the white construction paper, draw two bunny ears about three inches long & cut them out.
  3. Glue the pink ears to the middle of the larger, white bunny ears.
  4. Glue each ear to the outside of the lid of a push pop container.
  5. Fill the container with small candies.
  6. Put the lid on the container.
  7. Glue a pair of eyes on the container.
  8. For the nose, glue the pom pom on the container where it should belong.
  9. Cut the pink construction paper into 6, two inch long x ¼ wide strips, for the whiskers.
  10. Glue three strips on either side of the nose.

You have a cute little bunny treat that your little one will adore!

Some Bunny Loves You!
Greenville Preschool CraftThis one isn’t edible but is sure is adorable! It makes a great sentimental craft for you to keep for many, many Easters.

What You Need:

Round, white paper plates
Pink construction paper
Cotton balls
Pink pom pom
A picture of your child

What To Do:

  1. Draw ears on the construction paper—make them about six inches tall and cut them out.
  2. Glue the ears to back of the paper plate.
  3. Trim your child’s picture to fit in the middle of a paper plate, leaving about one or two inches of space around the edge.
  4. Glue your child’s picture to the middle of the paper plate.
  5. Glue the pink pom pom on your child’s picture, where his nose is.
  6. Lastly, glue cotton balls to trim around the paper plate and around the edges of each ear, like the image on the right.

Isn’t that precious? We sure think so!

We hope you enjoy doing these preschool spring crafts with your kiddos! We’re looking forward to the warm weather and a wonderful spring with your children!

To find more craft ideas for preschoolers, visit our Pinterest page. To schedule a tour at one of our three locations, fill out our online contact form, or call our Durham, Chapel Hill, or Greenville locations.
